Last thursday we were out looking at the danish school- and kindergarden- system. (I wisited a private danish kindergarden). We were out just for a few ours to have a look. My first impression was that they have pretty mutch the same system as in Norway, though there were few differences. But since I`ve only seen this one danish kindergarden, and in so short time, I can`t realy tell either it`s difrent or not.
We ended our day at the university, talking about our experiece at pratice. There are people from difrent countryes in our clas, sutch as Belgium, Czech Republic, Spaine, Turkey, Poland and Hungary, and it was interesting to hear theyre opinions of the scandinavian school system.
It was many difrent opinions and thougts about bouth the school and the kindergarden- system. Some of them had a realy shocking first impression, some in a positive way and som in the negative way.
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