Sunday, 28 March 2010

About our subjects

M1, Comparative studies:
In this subject we have been talking about stereotypes, the danish schoolsystem and of course compared the different schoolsystem of the people in our erasmus class. The stereotypes I have mensioned before, therefor I will tell you short about who influensed the danish school system. The danes belive in a pedagogical idealism and they follow the philosophy of Søren Kirkegård. He cared about subjectivenes and individualism. Karl Marx inspired the danish to talk about democracy. Sokrates/Platon inspired them by saing; if you want to tech someone, you have to have a dialog, an open dialog. If it`s not an open it`s just people talking...And Rousseau talking about self-reliens, so they can depend in their selves, and learn from experience and avoid verbal lessons.

We have also learned about danish "hygge", which means having a cosy time with friends and family, staying inside and lighting candles. "Hygge" is very important for the danes.

Before I finish this I have to say, though the norwegian and danish school system is quite similar it has been a pleasure listening to the other students, from countries were the school system is quite different from the scandinavian schools, telling about their system and comparing their system to the danish system. It`s interesting to listen to all of them and hear what they think about the danish system, both good and bad. Can we learn from each other??
Can we take the good stuff from every system and make one really good system?
And can we all really agree on what is the good things in the systems?
Or do we have different opinions on what is the good things and what is bad? Probably......

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