M2, Aesthetic learning prosesses:
There are many ways of learning:
- The empirical(learning by doing, learning from and through your body).
- The aesthetical(impressions transformed into meditatded expression)
- The discursive(analytical)
In the aesthetic learning classes we have been working with art, music, physical education and cooking.
In the ark class we learned to ekspress our selves through draving. We drew pictures of our selves both seeing and not seeing. We also draw a picture while the teacher told a story.
In the music class we have been working with ekspressing our selves through music and moving to music.
In the physical education class we have had a lot of fun, learning different physical games to activate the kids, learning them that pysical activities can be a lot of fun. We have also seen different activities or physical games from all the earasmus countries. Some I`ve seen before and some were totally new.
In the cooking class we were supposed to make climate friendly food. By climate friendly food I mean:
- Not to cut out any food, but to vary the food in one meal.
- It also means to eat the food which contain to the season.
- Don’t throw away food,
- And use the leftovers in a meal next day.
• eat more vegetables
• choos ecological
• eat local brands/food and season food
Our group made potatosoup with bunns, lazange with salat an a danish appelkake for dessert. It was climatefriendly because: we used local food, season food and appels which can come from your backyard ;-)
Right after the easter hollyday we went to Aabenraa fore two days to have our drama class.
The first day we started icebreaking, followed by the consept of impulse and improvisation and working with statues and tableau`s as a part of basic elements and terminology i drama and theatre. then we had a basic introduction to process- drama.
the second day we started warming up and had a game sassion. The reste of the day we had a workshop called "body, masks and expression".
here we worked with masks. the masks we wore were leader masks, who covered the whole face, so you only had one mimic. It was really cool to see what a mask can do. You express your self only trough the body, and not by facemimics. After "practicing" with the masks on for a while, we divided in to three groups, each getting a music play. We were making a preformense based on the music. this realy made us kreative :-)
It was fun working with the masks. It was easier to preforme and show your own product, because you don`t feel that voulnerable with your mask on. and it was emasing to see the others preformense.
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