Sunday, 28 March 2010

About our subjects

M3, Citizenship and globalisation:
As a citizen you are together with other citizen!

In this class we have among other things talked about what a democratic citizenship is?
- a citizen who has rights and duties
- first right is that of establishing the law
- first duty is that of respecting the law
- primary value: the autonomy of the individual
- ans so on

You have to fight for democracy, you are not borne in to it. They say that the western world is rich because they have democracy, they have not democracy because they are rich....

We also talked about how people adjust to their klimate were they live. Every group of people has adjusted to their lifestile to the climate where they live. F.eks: mongolia with their ekstreme cold winters and ekstreme hot summers.
How do they survive?
What do they learn from?
- Myth? ------->
- Religion? -------> Reality
- Common sense? ------->
- Scians? ------->
Can we learn from other cultures?

We have also talked about citizenship and how it means to stay inside the "sirkel". I will try to explain it for you: We draw a model with fire boxes:
1: Ego + individual - kapitalism/liberalistic
2: Ego + collective - modern nationalism
3: Altroistic + individual - the konservative
4: Altroistic + collective - sosialism

In all the four groups you can find the extreme way of thinking and you can find the democratic way of thinking. You are allowed to have your own way of thinking as long as you stay inside the "sirkel" by which I mean as long as you can live in a community and deal with people thinking differently than your self, and manage to contain the democratic way of thinking.
In all the four groups you will find the extreme ones. In the class we made examples from all the groups seeing if we could make them into school examples we could imagine can happening at school these days.

"Citizenship handler om å være innenfor sirkelen, hvilken meninger du har har ikke noe å si".

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