Today we met in the big hall of the university, the assembly hall. There we had a small introduction and a lady talking about internationalisation. Pretty ironic she could`nt speak english. The rest of the day we had work shops. We were divided in to smaller groups. I was in the group of didactic. There we talked about what different people from different countries with different backgrounds both have in common and not have in common. And we talked about different cultures and thins that can be normal in one culture can be shocking for other people. To understand why people do why they do we have to have knowledge about each others culture, such as history, geografic condition, tradition etc. At the end of the class we made a poster were we wrote different values we all thought were good values to have working in f.eks a kindergarten with children from different cultures. We wrote: Respect, tolerance and reflection.
To end the sectoin:
If you work with pedagogic:
- your intention is to make the children independent!
- you have to legalize everything you do!
The second work shop this day we prepared exhibitions about our own university. So us three Norwegian girls prepared a really nice exhibition about University of Stavanger. Incase someone reads this: travel to Stavanger!!!! :-)
In the end we walked around seeing all the presentation.
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