Today it`s monday and the first day of the international week here at UCSyd. It consists of us:) the erasmus student, and even more international students who is only here for this week. Today we have been working with stereotypes, learned some danish and and learned danish folkedans. When we worked with stereotypes we first had to sit together in groups of our own country and draw drawings of how we see our selves. That was really funny, showing of our kindergardenteacher drawing skills..hehe....after this we made other groups who were mixed. each group got one country to draw stereotypes. then ehen we were finishes all the groups had to present their drawing, then compare it to the country who draw them selves. It was fun to see what people think of eatch other and how similar our oppiniuns are. We talked a bit where the stereotypes come from.... maby from tv, souvenires, the travelagency and so on..
Then we had danish lesson. I feel lucky that I understand the danes and can communicate without having to learn the language from the start, because I really think they have a difficult prononsiation!! but maby it`s harder to learn because I can understand? I don`t know....:)
Then we learned about the danish schoolsystem. All the things we had today we have talked about in the erasmuscourse, but we heared some new stuff and had a great time, and it`s not so bad to have things repeated once in a while ;)
At the end of the day we danced danish folkdances. I really danced my shoes off.....:P hehe...
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